Gair rhydd went to the Guardian's student media awards on Wednesday 25th and we didn't leave empty handed! But we didn't win either, shame.
Excuse the boring picture, unfortunately the photos of the night itself are either hard to make out because of the amount of dry ice they decided to pump into the place or are well, a little, uncivilised.
It was a raucous night at Proud in Camden largely due to the amount of free booze available which was being necked by nervous nominees as if their lives depended on it, including us lot. Us lot, from Cardiff had gair rhydd up for best paper and Quench up for best magazine, which won last year.
But alas, neither came out on top. Gair rhydd was pipped to the post by The Leeds Student but we did claim runner-up so still got our moment with Colin Murrary up on stage...reward enough some might say.
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